Friday, April 6, 2012

Months later......

So, in the insanity of the move and the pregnancy and everything, my little blog fell by the wayside. How to catch up?

Let's see - December consisted of getting through an intense arbitration, while having contractions.  Then giving notice at work.  The head partner was less than pleased, everyone else was super supportive and really great about it.  R left for Seattle right after the arbitration, and I spent weeks alone with Lexi and Sugar. It was REALLY HARD. Let's just say I'm not single parent material.

We flew to Philly for Christmas with my family, which was wonderful.  Came back to LA right before New Year's and R came too.  Then everything is a blur - R went back to Seattle for work, and Lexi and I had our last week in LA.  The packers came and I was overwhelmed, but that was nothing compared to watching the movers put all of our stuff, our LIVES onto a truck.  We flew to Seattle on January 7th, and well, I cried for the entire take off.  

We moved into our awesome house on January 13th, after a fun, but crazy week with R's brother and his wife.  Then it proceeded to snow for an entire week. I wanted to go back to LA......But the house is huge and nice, and I had already quit my job, so we stayed.....and we're still here, now a family of four. Updates on the birth of No. 4 soon.......

Monday, November 21, 2011

First post...

I don't really know what I'm doing with this blogging thing, but it just hit me today that I might be slightly less insane - not completely sane, just less INsane - if I had somewhere to write all of this stuff down.  As it is, I'm sure my good friends here in LA (uh, you know who you are!) might already be tired of hearing me talk about this move.....

So here's the deal. For the last 2 years, my husband ("R") and I have been talking about moving our little family of 3 (well, 3 people, one pug) out of LA and to another city.  It's expensive here, the public schools suck, the traffic sucks and damn it, we work really hard and it still feels like a struggle just to get through the week.  Of course, that could have something to do with the ridiculously expensive condo and neighborhood we live in.  So, we decided we'd try to move to Seattle before our daughter, Lexi, goes off to kindergarten. 

Don't get me wrong - I love our life in LA.  We both have good careers, awesome friends, live in a wonderful neighborhood and generally have a great life here.  I will cry when we move and miss my friends terribly.  But we just can't see living here forever. 

We thought the move might happen this summer, but unfortunately, the job prospects for R fell through.  Then I got pregnant with our second child. I'm due in March, March 13th to be exact.  So R and I agreed that if he got a job before the end of the year, we'd move.  I didn't think it would happen - WRONG!!! R *did* get a job, and since it is technically not the "end of the year," off we go to Seattle. 

While I'm excited, I'm also scared, nervous, overwhelmed and insanely, hormonally charged PREGNANT.  So all of that should make for a very fun move.....

I'm supposed to be drafting a brief right now, so I better sign off. Much more to come.